The Yae Publishing House was founded roughly three hundred years ago by Chief Editor Yae Miko for the purposes of publishing useful and accurate information about Inazuma and its history such as the Treasured Tales of the Chouken Shinkageuchi and Sangonomiya Chronicles. If the text you’re looking to purchase was published in Inazuma, it’s likely from the Yae Publishing House. If it’s not, buy a better book.
Today, however, the Yae Publishing House’s mission is far more expansive than it was when it was incepted, and while informational and educational texts continue to be published it has primarily become a purveyor of light novel fiction, a distinctly Inazuman brand of literature. Famous and beloved titles like Pretty Please, My Kitsune Guuji? and Flowers for Princess Fischl hail from our library. Every title that the Yae Publishing House chooses to release was carefully selected by Chief Editor Yae Miko herself to ensure both quality and a diverse array of content, resulting in a guarantee that no matter which of our books you choose it will delight and entertain.
On this website you may find a small collection of texts approved for free public consumption by the Chief Editor herself, as well as associated informational materials. This collection is a work in progress and will see regular updates, both of extant material and new material that catches the Chief Editor’s eye.
In the future, this website may be expanded to digitize other aspects of the Yae Publishing House’s offerings, such as our monthly newspaper.