Why Does Yae Publishing House Use User Data?

The Yae Publishing House has no interest at all in your data for ourselves, we assure you — the vast majority of humans are far too dull to catch the Chief Editor’s eye, and what little user data we use is both non-identifiable and incredibly boring. Any information stored for the purposes of this website lives within your web browser alone by making use of its local storage. None of it is transmitted to we on the side of the Publishing House at any time, and even the local storage is used only if you grant permission (which can be revoked at any time from the bottom of this page).

Should you choose to disable the use of local storage, a single key will be stored in local storage in order to disable the local storage prompt across the website to prevent the need to dismiss it every time you change pages.

If you enable the use of local storage, on the other hand, you’ll get the following benefits:

Persistent Adult Content Selection

You won’t be barred from viewing adult content if you have local storage disabled, but you will be prompted to view it every time you visit a page containing such material. If local storage is enabled, this selection will be remembered for as long as the local storage persists.

Meaning of Eternity Timeline Checklist

You’ll be able to make use of a checklist on the Meaning of Eternity timeline that lets you mark entries as read, allowing you to more easily keep track of where in the timeline new stories fall.

More To Come, Probably

The Yae Publishing House website is still in its early stages, and it’s likely that more features will be added to take advantage of local storage as the website expands. All new features will be listed on this page.

User Data Controls

Enable/Disable User Data

Disabling user data will also delete all currently stored user data.

Backup/Restore User Data

User data can be downloaded as a JSON file, then restored here or in other browsers.